Fusion endeavors that its employees work in good faith and without prejudice to the interests of the client.

Customer Grievances

Fusion’s policy on customer grievance redressal is based on the following principles:

  • All initiatives and strategies of Fusion will be customer focused.
  • Transparency, Prompt and efficient customer service.
  • The ‘Toll free number’ e.g 1800 1037 808 for grievance is printed on the client’s passbook. Clients are being educated on the existence and process of grievance redressal mechanism during the one-two days CGT & GRT process. They are also provided with phone numbers of Relationship Officers and Branch Officers in case they have any grievances.
  • The details of grievance redressal mechanism are placed on the Fusion’s website with contact details of Head office in New Delhi. A client can log her grievance on the given toll free number. The grievances are dealt promptly and courteously. Log is maintained for all the grievances and steps taken for its resolution.
  • Fusion treats all complaints efficiently and fairly so as to not damage or tarnish the company’s reputation and affect its business otherwise.
  • Fusion endeavors that its employees work in good faith and without prejudice to the interests of the client.

The following procedure for the redressal of client’s grievance has been devised to be observed at branches and head office:

  1. To Log a complaint / grievance toll free phone number has been provided on the Pass Book which is provided to the client. Clients are being educated during CGT and GRT process that in the event of any grievance, clients can call on the given numbers and directly talk to the officials at the Head Office.
  2. All the field officers are given induction as well as refresher training on the grievance redressal process.
  3. Branch Manager and Area Manager are required to make surprise centre visits to meet clients and seek feedback about the working of the company and field staff for continuous improvement and to record grievance if any and forward the same to the Head Office for further action.
  4. A complaint process chart is placed on the notice board of every branch offices clearly stating the process of grievance redressal system in vernacular language at the branch level. See the Annexure 1.0.
  5. ‘Grievance Redressal Officer’ attends to the grievances reported directly to the Head Office. The grievance redressal officer discusses the grievances with the respective branch offices and maintains a grievance log in order to seek complete resolution to the issue. See Annexure 1.1.
  6. The officers have to respond to grievances in a prompt, efficient and courteous manner.
  7. A Complaint Register is maintained at Branches and all genuine complaints received are recorded with resolution.
  8. In all cases complaint received at the branch the Branch Manager / Area Manager will make an earnest effort to redress the grievance and/or implement the suggestion if it relates to any operational issue, which is within his/her competence/authority.
  9. Turnaround time’ (TAT) for resolution of grievance and complaints is defined in table below depending on the type of grievance/ complaint:
    S.No. Particulars TAT Remarks
    1. Insurance related complaints 30 days Receipt of death related documents for processing an Insurance claim.
    2. Bureau related complaints 30 days Resolution time given by Bureau/MFIN is 30 days
    3. Loan related complaints pertaining to:
    – Payment updation
    – Wrong posting
    14 days Such complaints involve field validation, approval and system updation. Basis past trend such complaints are resolved withing 14 days time.
    4. Loan related complaints pertaining to:
    – Disbursement in wrong A/C
    30 days Such complaints involves field validation, approval and system updation. Also bank itself has given a TAT of 30 days so this is to keep in line with Bank’s TAT.
    5. Loan related complaints (other than those specified in S. No. 3&4) 14 days
  10. All the grievances are monitored and analysed every month. The committee comprises of CEO, COO and functional heads of each department. The summary of grievances are also shared and discussed with the board members at the quarterly ‘Board Meeting’.
  11. If required the Branch will inform the customer, in writing, about the steps taken to redress the grievance and/or implementation of the suggestion.
    • The action taken will be communicated to the customer within two weeks.
    • Appropriate noting will be made in the complaint register at the Branch / Head office pertaining to closure of the matter.
    • Any clarification of the customer will also be attended to forthwith.
    • Inform the customer, in writing, about the steps taken to redress the grievance and/or implementation of the suggestion.
  12. Appropriate noting will be made at the Branch / Head office in the complaint register pertaining to closure of the matter.

Complaint Process for Clients at Branch Level

Complaint Received at the Head Office: